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Update Библейская энциклопедия Automatically
The material collected in the Bible encyclopedia contains various necessary information during the study Bible
– that is an ancient country, referred to in the Bible;
– when, where, at what unfolded background events of sacred history and who were her heroes;
– when and how any books of the Old and New Testament;
– Who is the author of a biblical text.
The main task of the encyclopedia – provide the reader with accurate, science-based information in an interesting and accessible way. The book is not overloaded with special terms and is designed for a wide range of readers who want a deeper understanding of the Scriptures.
SOURCE: Bible Encyclopedia Archimandrite Nikifor
Key Features:
1. functional user interface
2. Quick search filter
3. Pronunciation of words (TTS – Text-To-Speech)
4. Learning function (Flash Cards)
5. Izbrannoe- Add a word to the list of favorites.
6. Bookmarks – create bookmarks and add the word to your favorites.
7. History – Save scanned words in history.
8. Note – To add a note to the words.
9. Backup / Restore from a file or Dropbox (Backup / Restore)
1. Editing words
2. Add new words
3. Last queries
4. Button "Random Word»
5. Search the clipboard
6. Share the word
7. Export Data
8. Support Android N (7)
9. Contextual search words
10. Contextual pronunciation words
11. A multiple mode (long press)
12. Sort your list of favorites
13. delete confirmation dialog box
14. Search by voice recognition
Various settings
1. Night mode
2. Change the text size
3. Change the interface colors
4. Manage History, Favorites, Bookmarks and notes.
5. Visibility tab – Show / Hide tab.
6. Change the direction of the language
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Requires Android
Last updated on Jan 2, 2025
• Проблема с преобразованием голоса в текст решена.